Today's marketing projects revolve around lots of data. Grabers in-depth knowledge of modern desktop publishing, combined with its expertise in database design and programming, enables it to tackle a variety of data-driven publishing projects.
Grabers develops small database applications utilizing Microsoft Access and/or MySQL to build publishing solutions that solve a need. Particular attention is focused on developing data models that are reliable and flexible, and meet all reporting requirements - both present and future.
As the number of products, services and configurations grow, so does the amount of data to manage. Grabers helps make sense of it all and combine it to present to audiences in print or online. Variable data printing techniques can add relevance to your marketing pieces and help get a user's attention. They can also be functional and integrate with your line-of-business processes.
PwP combines variable data publishing (VDP) and the web by directing each recipient to your website using an individualized web address. This technique enables the presentation of individualized information that can enhance relevance and promote action.
To inquire about these services for your next project, please contact Peter Graber at or via telephone at (919) 215-3165