
Got Installed as CCT President

For the remainder of this year and through 2006, I am serving as President of my Toastmasters club. Our group has just over 30 members and meets once weekly in Raleigh.

Basically I got tapped because the currentl leadership thought I would do a good job. Hopefully that turns out to be accurate. It will be hard topping what Dwayne has done for the club. We were a President's Distinguished Club in 2005 - meaning CCT was in the top 16% of all clubs in North Carolina and nationally (I think).

Part of what made this so strong is that Dwayne got the ball rolling for this year too. Several of the milestones have already been reached. I we can stay on track, we can reach the Distinguished status again in 2006.

I'll be attending as many meetings as possible during the year. With school, work and the business consuming my time, leading CCT in 2006 will be a challenge as far as time goes.. But I think I have a solid team; this should make the responsibility a touch more manageable.

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