
EBook Production


Great info at

Great Info on Web Performance


This link is amazing.

Table Re-Do



I use my pool table nearly everyday and am looking to recondition it to make it play somewhat tougher. There's a number of things I am going to be upgrading.

Great Email Rendering on the Cheap



Email message rendering is a much needed service since there is such a wide variety of ways people view and read email. Services exist that do this exclusively, but are extremely expensive. EmailOnAcid to the rescue.

NC Representation Districts - Tricky As is Tricky Does



In attempting to create a simple mass mailing, what I thought would be straightforward turned out to be very tricky: Providing a recipient with his/her elected officials.

Intro on Bandwidth, Bitrate and Other Factors of Flash-based Stuff


Adobe has a good introductory discussion on Flash Media Server and some of the things to look for regarding delivering Flash video content.

Down and Dirty Web Newscasting


I stepped through creating a very short little web-based newscast at the NCAFP. I approached this using a very basic setup that included a pocket video camera, jurry-rigged lighting and some basic post-production software. The segment offered a viewpoint on a recent North Carolina health care issue.

Another Agency Bites the Dust n RTP


This is old news for everyone but me, but it seems my friends at S&R Communications are no longer around. I worked with them briefly on the website. I knew something was up around last fall when I met with their creative director; his tone spoke volumes.

They had around forty employees. They also had been in business for ages. This is the second major firm to flatline. Catevo bit it last Sept./Oct.

ROI Revolution PPC Webinar is Informative


ROI Revolution Logo

I have been getting more interest from some of my clients regarding Pay-Per-Click advertising management. Not a knowing very much about it, I thought I would try to get up to speed. I sought out my friends at ROI Revolution in Raleigh to help get me started.

AdzZoo: Savior or Sham for Small Business SEO


AdzZoo Logo

A client of mine recently notified me that they were expecting a pretty good jump in traffic from an online ad campaign they were conducting with AdzZoo. Curious, I looked them up and analyzed their approach.

Creatively Integrated™