

Logo/Identity for the NCAFP

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This is a project I completed in my role as Director of Communications of the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians.

I decided to upgrade the corporate identity of the NCAFP. Originally started with the logo as I redesigned the website. Carried this through the rest of our components in late 2007.

Website for Collections Provider

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1st National Recovery Solutions of Lancaster, NY engaged Grabers to produce a small website highlighting their services.

1st National Recovery Solutions is a Lancaster, NY-based collection agency. The company desired a simple web presence that showcased their debt recovery services, enable prospective employees to submit resumes and seek information, and to provide current clients the ability to complete online credit card transactions.

Identity for Utility Consultancy

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Grabers worked with a Raleigh-based electric utilities infrastructure provider to create their new corporate identity.

Quanta Technologies is an electric utilities infrastructure provider based in Raleigh, NC. Grabers worked with the company to execute its corporate identity, as well as to provide its complete team with business cards, stationary, envelopes and other tools.

The company supplied Grabers with basic concept artwork, and Grabers did the rest.

Services: Design, Production and Printing.

Walczyk for District Court Website

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A small campaign website for the Honorable Judge Christine Walczyk for her re-election effort.

Judge Christine Walczyk is a candidate for Wake County District Court. A part of her first re-election effort, I had the opportunity of developing her campaign website.

The site is an implementation of Drupal 5.2 and enables campaign staff to update news, send email newsletters, show photos on the site and a number of other things.

Meetings Management Database for Association

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A professional association needed an upgrade to their meetings registration management software. MS Access to the rescue.

I developed a MS Access-based database tool that enables a professional association to manage its continuing education meetings. The tool's features are very basic, but it delivered on expectations.

The trick was mapping their existing workflow/registration process and mirroring it within the tool. Had to create the entire data model. For ease, I utilized a slightly de-normalized schema.

HTML Mail Piece for HR Conference

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Audax Solutions is a client I work with in Buffalo that provides outsourced human resources management services to small- and mid-sized businesses. Audax recently began presenting a series of free educational seminars centering on important HR topics.

They needed some simple promotional tools to help get the word out. I designed and produced some postcards, as well as this HTML e-mail message and a wrote a simple press release.

The email was distributed to their existing clientele to promote the event.

Direct Mail Postcard for HR Seminar

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A simple postcard, rich email message and press release promoting a human resources seminar for small business.

Audax Solutions is a client I work with in Buffalo that provides outsourced human resources management services to small- and mid-sized businesses. Audax recently began presenting a series of free educational seminars centering on important HR topics.

They needed some simple promotional tools to help get the word out. I designed and produced some postcards, an HTML e-mail message and a wrote a simple press release.

FP Magazine Issue Redesign

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The NCAFP relies on a contract publisher for its quarterly magazine. Designed Vol. 3 No. 3 to enhance its overall look and feel.

I hadn't set type on paper at work (at least at this length) since writing and setting our 2006 Annual Report. But I was very rushed on that project and it showed.

Anyways, the previous issue of the magazine from the publisher looked like it came out of a high school graphics class. I was charged with making it look better. Some of the layouts appear below.

Electronic Learning CD Syllabus

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Designed and produced a CD-based electronic syllabus for a medical education conference.

I've produced a number of electronic syllabi for medical education conferences. They're mostly just a series of web pages that run off a CD that provides a simple auto-run for Windows-based computers. The Mac OS will not auto-run as far as my knowledge.

Electronic CDs like this are good medium for providing materials, but unfortunately are limited in the utiliy they provide to the attendee. People take notes, and the CD is virtually useless in this regard.

Website for South Carolina AFP

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Recently launched a redesigned website for the South Carolina Chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

I had the great opportunity of working with the South Carolina chapter - the NCAFP's neighbor to the south. This was a revision and upgrade to their existing website site that had been online since circa 2003.

The site continues to be a work in progress, but a solid framework is now in place. Developed/scripted simple family physician finder, online meeting registration and member center functionality.

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